Tuesday 21 February 2012

1st Mass Gathering 2011/2012 Semester 2

Assalamualaikum and hello everybody~!

Alhamdulillah ,we a had our mass gathering and first training last night (21 February 2012) which was held at CAC Training Room.

Our mass gathering was started with the welcoming speech by our president, Brother Badran Saman. He introduced a new main board members which was selected during previous AGM (Annual General Meeting) last semester. Apart from that, he also explain few things regarding the training as well as several activities and program which will be conducted during this tenure 2011/2012

After our president gave a short speech, the first training of this semester began. Our advisor and trainer, Brother Aswad do some revision of rhythm that we had learnt during previous semester. Among the rhythm are samba,afro,calypso,santana,zaping,inang,afuche and bomba.

After doing some revision, we started to learn new rhythm called 'Tumbao'. Tumbao is a basic and fundamental rhythm in Latin percussion.. Hence, it is crucial for us to learnt this rhythm. There are few rhythm included in 'Tumbao Family' which are Cha Cha, Salsa and Bossa. Inshaallah we will post the snippet video of our first training session soon!

Our first meeting was ended by a short advise from our trainer,Brother Aswad. He motivate and inspired us to do a lot of practice in order to become a great percussionists. Thanks a lot Brother Aswad!! =D

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